Wednesday, October 29, 2008

growing like a weed

I've only been in business for how long and already I'm jumping blog formats!?! Please join me...
My new blog!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

falling upside down

The leaves have turned. It's definitely fall! And despite the chill in the air on Sunday morning, these sweet brothers had a blast scurrying about during their session with their parents! There was so much love to be found amongst these boys and their was a real pleasure spending time with them.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

yes, yes, practice trumpet every day

It's official. I let the love of my life (career-wise) go and am taking Hullabaloo Design on full-time! In honor of this crazy venture, I'm employing the likes of my son's favorite band to toot their horns for me.